Saturday, 26 September 2020


Dear friends, I kept 4 hives from a borrowed property here in Mukono-central Uganda from 2015 to February 2020. Since the first honey harvest in 2016, the bees were producing honey which was dark in color like beetroot juice.
At first, I was almost fearing to taste the honey thinking that it could be poisoned; the bees could have collected nectar from poisonous flowers. 
So when I recalled that I am in a different location, where the environment and nectar sources are somewhat different from those in Nakasongola, I tasted it. After tasting it, i realized that it could be the reason why the honey has a strange scent and color. 

Well, Cough syrups sold in Ugandan pharmacies and drug shops have a strange scent and color just like the way this honey looks.
We nicknamed the honey; “SYRUP HONEY” because it has a strange taste and color like cough syrups. There is a lot of calliandra weeds in Mukono. The most weeds in Mukono are diffeent from most in Nakasongola. And the bees visit them so much!
It is unfortunate I gave away all my hives because the owner of the land wanted to use it. I miss the syrup honey.

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